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Crafty Crusaders ~ Canson Art Book, Schmincke & Mepxy

Hello there, glad you could join me today, I hope you enjoy this little tutorial on how I have created this art journal page using the
Canson Art Book 180 & Schmincke – Acrylic inks & Aquarell & Mepxy Brush Markers.

Can I just say, my fave latest products to use! These are so yummy to work with!!! So many ideas are flowing right now!




















To start draw a light pencil outline of the face you want to use.
2. Then use the Schmincke Aquarell Maskierstift to go over your pencil outlines. Let dry before adding your colours.
I Love how the masking fluid comes in the easy to use applicator!











3. Use different stamps to stamp and a permanent black ink around the hair overlapping them as you go.
4. Drip the Schmincke Acrylic Ink over the hair area, I have used a little of the Primary Blue Cyan and mostly Primary Magenta & Yellow.









5. Spritz the ink with water so that it blends and runs,  then I have used a baby wipe or paper towel to dab off the excess and to dab more colour on around the edges. If too much ink went onto her face I used a baby wipe to wipe it off.
*** Note*** I would add the blue first next time and let that dry before adding the magenta and yellow. I think this would give it an even more vibrant colour variations.









6. Once the ink is dry you can rub off the Aquarell Masking Fluid.
The easiest way I found for removing it was by rubbing over it with a paper towel. It came off easily.









7. Now you can colour in your face with the Mepxy Markers. I am still learning how to use these, but I am quickly falling in love with them.











I finished off some of the finer details with a pencil. So happy with how she turned out!!!














Materials Used:
Canson ~ Art Book 180 A4 96gsm
Schmincke ~ Finest Acrylic Ink -Primary Magenta, Yellow & Blue Cyan| Aquarell 731 Maskierstift Masking Fluid |
Mepxy ~ Brush Markers – N25, N03, N25, N01, W13, W04, R00, R02, N51, 00, G02, B12, C02,120

Stamps | Black Ink – Archival Brilliance Graphite Black


Designed by YOU!! Online Course

I have heard on more than one occasion that someone would like to be inside my brain when it comes to creating!

Well this is probably the closest you are going to get! LOL You will be learning all my processes and design knowledge in this course and you will get coaching and support from me during this 4 week course. It is all about enhancing your style and skills. It’s not about copying me it is about finding YOU! Your style, your voice! I would be so honoured to be able to help you find your creative confidence!!!!

Not only will you get videos throughout the course you will also get PDF printouts that you will be able to use as a reference guide for years to come and you will be a part of a private support network that can develop into life long friendships. There is so much content in this course I am pretty damn excited about it!!! I have 10 years of experience with teaching, design teams, being published and creative knowledge that I can’t wait to share with you. I keep thinking of more to add!

DesiGned by YOU!!!! Is just what you need to kick start a creative new year!
Have you made any creative goals for this year?
Have you dared to dream??

I am so excited and proud to be finally releasing this course for you.

To Find Out When the Next DesiGned by YOU course is available  CLICK HERE

Click on the link then click on product description to get more info!









Regular price is $97
4 Week online course and coaching

Really looking forward to spending another year of growth, discovery and art with you all in 2015!
I would love to be a part of your creative journey too!

To be notified when the next DesiGned by YOU course is being released CLICK HERE
Can’t wait!!!


Blog Signature Jan 2014 creative journey

DesiGned by YOU!! New Online Course

I am Super Excited and Very Proud to release my first online course!!!!

DesiGned by YOU!!!!


Just in time to kick start a creative new year for you!

* Do you often find yourself not happy with your finished design and don’t know why or how to fix it?
* Wish you knew where to start when you are creating a layout by yourself?
* Not sure how to balance a layout or work out what is missing?
* You have no idea what your style is or how to develop it?
* Do you find coordinating colours, papers & embellishments leaves you scratching your head?
* Love the layered look but don’t know where to start?
Then this online course is for you………

I bring to you “DesiGned by YOU!”

* This course will help you to become a more confident and independent Scrapboooker while defining your style and developing your skills from planning, designing, creating and more…
* You will learn to work through creative blocks and get more joy from the creative process.
* This course will also start you on a path of self-discovery through scrapbooking and art while creating a legacy for your family.
* This course would suit Beginners to Intermediate Scrappers and even teachers would get something from this course for a teaching level.

Not only will you learning lots about the creative process and yourself but you will also be gaining a fabulous private support group to encourage you along your creative journey! xxxxx

To Find Out When the Next DesiGned by YOU course is available  CLICK HERE
Click on the link then click on product description to get more info!

Click on the link then click on product description to get more info if it doesn’t come up straight away!

I am so excited and proud to be finally releasing this course for you.

Regular price is $97 – 4 week online course and coaching
This course is a self paced course that will be starting on the 2nd of February.

To be notified when the next DesiGned by YOU course is being released CLICK HERE

Really looking forward to spending another year of growth, discovery and art with you all in 2015! I hope you will join me for the journey!
Can’t wait!!!

Michelle! x

Blog Signature Jan 2014 creative journey

2015 Masters ~ The Secrets Out!!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank god we can finally let the cat out of the bag! I am hopeless with secrets and this one has been a biggie!!!!!
I am sooooo bloody excited and proud of this new venture!!!!

SBM Stamp MASTER pink

Feels like forever ago that we received the phone call!!

Of all days I was at yoga and left my phone at home, then went and got some groceries and I thought what the hey I bought myself a bunch fresh flowers too.
(Like my sixth sense knew I had something to celebrate. LOL)

Anyway I got home just unpacked the groceries and my phone rang.
Totally forgetting today was Masters D Day!

I answered and got the amazing news from Vanessa, It took a while for it to sink in!
I was like REALLY??? REALLY?? OMG!!!!!!

So damn excited and then I had to run around and tell someone before I exploded,
So I told hubby! And he said…… “That’s Nice Dear” WT!!
OK so I guess it is back to reality now! LOL

So for months I have been bursting and so afraid of slipping up! So glad this day is finally here now!!!!!

I think this was my 6th time in entering Masters over the past 10 years! So 6th time is a charm! LOL
I will share my Masters journey as soon as I get my hard drive back with all my old photos!

I have loved each and every entry I have ever done and to this day are still my faves!! At the end of the day that is what it is all about for me!

Congratulations to all my 2015 fellow Masters!
So looking forward to seeing your work over the next 12 months not to mention your Masters Entries!
And to those that just missed out this year there is always next year! Never give up!!!

And just like the morning of the phone call I am off to yoga again this morning!
Blissfully Happy! 🙂

Blog Signature Jan 2014 creative journey