Brisbane Expo & Massive Kit Sale!!
It is a nice change in the weather for us up here in north QLD. So nice to not have to put the aircons on every day, the weather has been pretty wild and wooly up here lately, so enjoying the cool change. Is it a thing that comes with age or is it just me? But every week, month and year seems to go by quicker and quicker the older I get. Half way through another year already. Some days it feels like my life is literally flying past my eyes. I hope the weather is being kind where you are and you have been getting some play time in! So good for the soul x
Brisbane Scrapbook & Papercraft Expo
As we come closer to June we are getting ready for the Brisbane Expo. This year I am teaching a Colour 101 class in the Colour Blast classroom. I have been so blown away by the response to this class as it sold out in 3 days. The good news is they have opened up a few more spots in each day for this class. They are going fast too. Get in quick so you don’t miss out 🙂 And a huge thank you to everyone who has booked in, I can’t wait to share this class with you! 🙂
You can book in here – Colour 101 with Michelle Grant -session 3
KiT2Go – Massive Clearance Sale on Kits marked down to $10 or Less priced to Clear!!!!!
Some of the kits marked down have only 1 left get in quick to grab the bargain of the year. Perfect to stock up for your next crop or retreat! 🙂
If you would like to pick up your order at the Brisbane Expo, click on local pick up in shipping and add a note that you would like to pick it up in brisbane at the Convention centre on the 9th,10th & 11th of June 2017. Taking orders to bring to Brisbane until Midnight Tuesday night.
KiTs Marked down to $10 or less – priced to clear!!!! 🙂
K2G0023 ‘Lapdog’ – 1 Left Double Layout $10

K2G0025 – “Groovster” – 6 Left $8

K2G0034 – “Great Grandma Hugs” 4 Left $10

K2G0040 – “Believe Laugh” 1 Left $10

K2G0043 – “Beautiful” 8 Left $10

K2G0046 – “Happy Love” 3 Left $10

K2G0049 – “5 Stars” 2 Left $10

K2G0053 – “Perfection” 1 LEFT $10

K2G0055 – “Dare to Dream” SOLD OUT

K2G0058 – “Everyday” 1 LEFT $10

Lots more kits available and on special HERE
To see all the 2017 dates for the workshops and tours and more click HERE!
Cre8 til L8 ~ Cre8tive Escapes the next one is on the 19th of August. All bookings are now open online HERE!
Also stay tuned for my first online classes coming soon 🙂
Michelle & Team 🙂