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30 Days of Blog Lovin ~ Day #25

Day 25 – Bugger another late one, although I have taken it a bit easier today and even sat in the lounge tonight. Which is always dangerous, As soon as I sit down I practically fall asleep.
I had the gorgeous Wendy over today who helped me do a stock take this morning! Thank you Hun. Another job ticked off the list. I am so blessed to have so many beautiful friends in my life, I really can’t believe how lucky I am to know so many amazing people both here and online! Friendships really do feed the soul don’t they. Each and everyone of them are here to teach us something.

Mum & Dad’s Wedding –  1st August 1970

Anyway, I have spent a bit of time with Maddie today after doing the stocktake with Wendy and then went into town for a cuppa with Don before dropping off for the bus for work. We haven’t had much time together lately, looking forward to his next shift of to plan something! It would have been my Grandparents 68th Wedding Anniversary today and it is my Parents 43rd Wedding Anniversary and will be Don and My 22nd on the 3rd. We would have been married on the 1st too if it had fallen on a weekend earlier, but we didn’t want to wait another 3 years for it so we settled for the 3rd. We are 4th or 5th generation on my grandad’s side that was married in the first week of August. My Grandad’s parents we married on the 5th. I love traditions like that, I am a huge sentimental fool! LOL

My Grandparents – 1st August 1945

My Great Grandparents Wedding – 5th August 1908

I will do a post on my wedding with some wedding photos on Sunday. I should do a wedding layout of mine, I don’t think I have done one of our wedding. Don’t you just love the old fashioned outfits.
Something just makes me feel so connected to this sort of family history.

OK I am off to bed now, since my arse has already turned into a pumpkin!  I have been ordered by hubby to take a little bit of time off this weekend. So I think I will try and get some creative play time in somewhere this weekend! Definitely will be some couch time tomorrow night with some drawing with So You Think You Can Dance on the TV! Looking forward to a proper night off! 🙂

Night all! Sweet Dreams! 🙂

30 Days of Blog Lovin ~ Day #24

Day 24, Oh Boy, how is it that time just vanishes before our eyes. I still feel jet lagged from the weekend. Think I need some creative play time!  I have to say a huge thank you to Deb for helping me go through the kit room today and getting everything back in order. So that is one huge job ticked off my list this week, now to go through all the stock and get it all packed away again too. Other than that nothing exciting happened today.

Still have a heap of photos to go through, just wanted to share this group photo at the end of the weekend, What a fabulous bunch of ladies who really did make the weekend something special.
Thank you to each and every one of you xxx

Ok I working the courage up for a couple of posts that will be pretty deep. Not sure if I am quite ready for it, but I know it won’t just help me but others too. Wish me luck on that one!

Crap nearly midnight again already, I was planning of trying for an early night tonight. Umm what day is it today? Oh that’s right Wednesday well not for much longer anyway.

What has everyone been up too? What are your goals you are working towards this week??
This week is clean up and organise week (and try and fit a little R&R in) and next week will be business week. Lots of goals to be working towards!

Night, Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow!

30 Days of Blog Lovin ~ Day #23

Day 23, can you believe it? I can’t believe that I am still keeping up even with the week I have just had. I am still feeling pretty tired tonight and instead of actually taking a break today I have been battling through it to get the accounts out from the weekend! All done now So I will sleep well again tonight. I really do need to take a day off but with unpacking still to do I can’t see that happening tomorrow. Man I have been dragging my feet!

It has been an emotional day for me today, the announcement was made that I am stepping down from Dusty Attic Admin & DT. Dusty has been a huge part of my journey these past few years and it is well and truly in my blood. I have been struggling to keep up with everything and getting my business off the ground. So I need to let go of some outside commitments so I can focus on some new projects. It was with a heavy heart that I had to step down from Dusty and was not a decision I took lightly, I have been with Dusty and Jen since the start, it really is like another family for me.

I need to get everything cleaned up and sorted out so I can seriously start planning my future, Lots of ideas and not enough time at the moment. Not enough energy more importantly. I need to take a little time for me after the hectic lead up and weekend last weekend to catch my breath.
I still have to go through the photos from the weekend too, Hopefully tomorrow.

Its already past midnight, I think I need to get to bed, I was actually in bed by 11.30pm last night so it was an early night for me.

I think I need to get lost in a little creative time too! I need to re evaluate my list tomorrow and pencil me in! LOL And Hubby too!  I need to get back into my Morning pages again, I can definitely tell when I haven’t done them in awhile, I get so scatter brain and find it harder to concentrate! I have been forgoing the morning pages to take Maddie for a walk in the mornings. She is growing very quickly!

OK Time for bed, I am yawing now! Sleeps Time!

Night ALL xxxx

30 Days of Blog Lovin ~ Day #22

Day 22!!  It has been a day of recovery mode today, I am still pretty weary tonight! I got some of the stuff packed away, still have more to do tomorrow. The lovely Sharon Dalton come out for a cuppa this morning, it was nice to sit back and relax for 5. So in all it has been a pretty quiet day today. It will be back to cleaning out and putting away tomorrow!
Don’t you hate the come down after a big event and after the lead up of all the work put into it! It was a fabulous weekend, I am so glad everyone had a great time 🙂 Now to start getting ready for the next one on the 7th & 8th of September. Lots of Surprises coming for that one too, and a very special guest will be coming! Can’t wait! Hopefully the next couple of months won’t be as full on as the last couple. I think I need to take a me day soon though and recharge the batteries to go again! 

This was the Resin Class I taught on the weekend! It was definitely a hit!!

Very wise words to live by here! Take another shot! Just go for it! Trust your gut and grow, I think I will be repeating these words over the next month!!! Time I let go of the self doubt, reflecting on what I have just achieved on the weekend, and I still find it hard to give myself a pat on the back.
The feed back so far has been all positive so I need really take that all in!

This was the reverse canvas I taught. These classes will be available online soon! 🙂

OK gorgeous people, my brain might have a little bit more time for reflecting for a couple of weeks now, I won’t be consumed with the workshop from daylight to dark, but I am hoping to concentrate on my business coaching for the next few weeks and really get some big dreams happening!!
Wish me luck! x

Night all, Might actually be in bed before midnight tonight, shock horror!! Most likely be up around 4am then! LOL but then again maybe not I have built up a fair bit of sleep debt lately!

Night x