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30 Days of Blog Lovin ~ Day #23

Day 23, can you believe it? I can’t believe that I am still keeping up even with the week I have just had. I am still feeling pretty tired tonight and instead of actually taking a break today I have been battling through it to get the accounts out from the weekend! All done now So I will sleep well again tonight. I really do need to take a day off but with unpacking still to do I can’t see that happening tomorrow. Man I have been dragging my feet!

It has been an emotional day for me today, the announcement was made that I am stepping down from Dusty Attic Admin & DT. Dusty has been a huge part of my journey these past few years and it is well and truly in my blood. I have been struggling to keep up with everything and getting my business off the ground. So I need to let go of some outside commitments so I can focus on some new projects. It was with a heavy heart that I had to step down from Dusty and was not a decision I took lightly, I have been with Dusty and Jen since the start, it really is like another family for me.

I need to get everything cleaned up and sorted out so I can seriously start planning my future, Lots of ideas and not enough time at the moment. Not enough energy more importantly. I need to take a little time for me after the hectic lead up and weekend last weekend to catch my breath.
I still have to go through the photos from the weekend too, Hopefully tomorrow.

Its already past midnight, I think I need to get to bed, I was actually in bed by 11.30pm last night so it was an early night for me.

I think I need to get lost in a little creative time too! I need to re evaluate my list tomorrow and pencil me in! LOL And Hubby too!  I need to get back into my Morning pages again, I can definitely tell when I haven’t done them in awhile, I get so scatter brain and find it harder to concentrate! I have been forgoing the morning pages to take Maddie for a walk in the mornings. She is growing very quickly!

OK Time for bed, I am yawing now! Sleeps Time!

Night ALL xxxx

30 Days of Blog Lovin ~ Day #22

Day 22!!  It has been a day of recovery mode today, I am still pretty weary tonight! I got some of the stuff packed away, still have more to do tomorrow. The lovely Sharon Dalton come out for a cuppa this morning, it was nice to sit back and relax for 5. So in all it has been a pretty quiet day today. It will be back to cleaning out and putting away tomorrow!
Don’t you hate the come down after a big event and after the lead up of all the work put into it! It was a fabulous weekend, I am so glad everyone had a great time 🙂 Now to start getting ready for the next one on the 7th & 8th of September. Lots of Surprises coming for that one too, and a very special guest will be coming! Can’t wait! Hopefully the next couple of months won’t be as full on as the last couple. I think I need to take a me day soon though and recharge the batteries to go again! 

This was the Resin Class I taught on the weekend! It was definitely a hit!!

Very wise words to live by here! Take another shot! Just go for it! Trust your gut and grow, I think I will be repeating these words over the next month!!! Time I let go of the self doubt, reflecting on what I have just achieved on the weekend, and I still find it hard to give myself a pat on the back.
The feed back so far has been all positive so I need really take that all in!

This was the reverse canvas I taught. These classes will be available online soon! 🙂

OK gorgeous people, my brain might have a little bit more time for reflecting for a couple of weeks now, I won’t be consumed with the workshop from daylight to dark, but I am hoping to concentrate on my business coaching for the next few weeks and really get some big dreams happening!!
Wish me luck! x

Night all, Might actually be in bed before midnight tonight, shock horror!! Most likely be up around 4am then! LOL but then again maybe not I have built up a fair bit of sleep debt lately!

Night x

30 days of blog lovin – Day #21

Day 21, Home tonight after a huge day for the second day of my ScrapMedia workshop! I am in a slightly comatose state tonight! It was another fabulous day!

I got home around 7pm after packing everything up! Then I had to unpack everything out of the car, I had it half done before Wil come out to help me!
My legs, feet and back are killing me! Think I will allow myself to have a very quiet day tomorrow! I feel like I could sleep for a week! Tired would be an understatement lol! 
Anyway, all that stuff from the car has just made it to the dining room and table, I figure it will still be there in the morning! 

Time for another spring clean before it all goes back away tomorrow, that is if I can surface from bed! 

You think I would find a more comfy spot to get comatose in hey! Trying to find the energy for a shower and bed!  I don’t think I left anything of me on the table this weekend, I am spent!
Night all xxx

30 Days of blog lovin – Day #20

Day 20,What a Day it has been! Everything has gone smoothly and I think everyone is having a great time! Lots of Laughs and Creative fun! I am ready for bed now though, I think I will be asleep before my head hits the pillow!

I posted my blog post last night from bed on my phone for the first time and hit publish then crashed and I was feeling pretty pleased that I still got it done last night, only to discover when we got to the workshop this morning after the girls all said “What happened to your blog post last night????  I said I did it, but when I checked my phone it hadn’t gone through, so I hope that still counts, I did do it the night before well technically 90% of these blog posts have been done at midnight! LOL So I am right on cue tonight!!

Ok, I am fading fast now, I uploaded a couple of pics of the girls in action today on my Facebook page.

Another big day tomorrow then I can collapse in a heap! :O

Night xxx