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30 Days of Blog Lovin ~ Day #8

Day 8 and still going, even though I am pretty buggered tonight. Sitting around the hospital all morning then driving the 5 hours back home has taken it out of me. Mum is all set for her treatment now and we had a good trip up and back. They are giving her a trial radium treatment that won’t take as long so she will only have to put her life on hold for 4 weeks instead of 6. She starts treatment in a couple of weeks and her and Dad will be taking their new caravan up to test it out before they start some bigger trips around Australia. So all is good.

I got to play with our new pup when I got home late this afternoon. She is so sweet and so full of energy, It was late when we got home so the light wasn’t very good and these where just taken on the iphone so not the best and not and easy task with a pup that couldn’t stand still. She is so full of life and energy and is so sweet. We have decided on Matilda (Maddie for short). I will get some better pics on my good camera soon.

She is already learning to pick the ball up and bring it back in one day. She is a very smart little dog and is a quick learner! It is nice to have another dog around the place again.  This is how most of the pics turned out, Just a Blur! LOL

Sorry guys that is all I have in me tonight, Lots going on in my head though so will be sharing that all soon! Anyway I am going to leave it there with these couple of pics of our mad dog Maddie, well she is not really mad, more like a whirlwind! LOL She is already making our hearts full, like I said to Don “The right dog will find us at the right time” and I definitely think she is it. She has a great nature and personality and is a super quick learner! I love her already! 🙂

Ok I am going to go and crash on the lounge for a bit, A rare treat for me these days!
Night All!

30 Days of Blog Lovin ~ Day #7

 Todays post comes to you from Townsville. The drive up wasn’t too bad. Still took about 5 hours. I am pretty weary tonight. So I don’t have a lot to say tonight. We did get some great news today, We got a new pup  I she is a 3 month old  blue heeler/border collie cross  pup. I will have to show you some pics when I get home tomorrow. 1got to see her briefly one the way up here. I met up with Don on the road after he picked her up and he was on his way home  and we were on the way out. she is so sweet I think she will fit into the family nicely. We are still deciding on her name it is down to 2. Matilda (Maddie for short) or Milly.  So I will be back with some photos and her name update  tomorrow night.

 ok, I forgot to bring my hard drive with my photos with me so I am going to make this short and sweet and leave it there tonight! I have a few more things that I want to get off my chest in the coming days so stay tuned! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! Hugs xxx

30 Days of Blog Lovin’ ~ Day #6

Day 6 and still going, well just. I am not really feeling it tonight, I am tired and feeling uninspired tonight. It has been a long week. I am relieved to finally have my resin class finished, so that is one thing I can tick off my list. I still have to do the photos and instructions and edit the video but at least the layout is done and all the samples so that is a start!  
I got out today to have afternoon tea with some gorgeous ladies, they never fail to make me laugh. Thank you Jenny, Deb, Bev, Trish, Joan & Ngaire. They always bring me so much joy and mischief! Love you girls! xxx

  Ok, I do have lots I have to say but tonight is not the night, I do know I have been re evaluating my reasons behind doing this 30 blog challenge. I feel like I have gone off the path of what my true intentions were. So I will have lots to share about that when I have a little more energy and when I am not so tired. Basically it comes down to me being scared to reveal my true inner thoughts and feelings and not just judgement from everyone else but also judgement of myself.
I really need a clearer head to articulate what I want to say about this, as I have trouble articulating what I want to say at the best of times.
Mum has arrived a night early so the next couple of days will be spent in the car! So I think I need an early night tonight!


 Night all, and thank you soooo much for your comments. I deeply appreciate each and every one of them! Hugs to you all! xxx

30 Days of Blog Lovin’ ~ Day #5

Day 5!! Woohoo! So far so good! Well it is Friday night and the end of another week. I can believe how quick the weeks are flying by. We have had a few windy, overcast and rainy days these past few days, so I just want to share these beautiful sunset photos taken last month. I thought I would share something else that makes me happy and that is Sunsets and Sunrises and taking photos of them. They really do take my breath away. I love how no two are ever the same! Photography is a easy escape for an artist date too!


All of the sunsets in this post were taken from our back yard in June, well they were all taken on two or three different nights but the sky changes so much from minute to minute, I just keep clicking away. I have my tripod set up inside the door ready grab and race outside the minute I see a golden hue starting to come through the window. It took me quite a while to work out the best settings for shooting sunsets in manual with the canon. I still experiment with the settings from one extreme to the other but I am loving what I can capture now!

These power poles in our side paddock feature a lot of my sunset photos, so I am always trying to get different angles on them.


 Love the colours in the evening sky, there is something just so magical about sunsets! They definitely fill my well!

I love how the sun hits the ground in this one. This photo says hope to me, its like the light at the end of the tunnel is shining bright!

The painting below was done during a workshop with Susan Riley Gee, I used one of my photos of a sunset for inspiration, excuse the pic of this it was just taken on my iphone. That is Sadie in front, she was probably thinking hurry up and move this so I can lie back down! LOL

Sorry I don’t have much to say tonight, it has been a long day with more videoing of the resin class kit, the good news is that it is almost finished, just waiting on a couple more things to set.
 I don’t feel like I have achieved as much as I would have liked to again this week, so feeling a bit deflated tonight that another week has flown by and I haven’t achieved everything that I set out to achieve. I really need to knuckle down and make some changes in my life and routine to achieve the goals I want to achieve, time to give myself a big kick up the arse I do feel!
I have to take mum up to Townsville on Sunday and back Monday for her first raidium appointment, so I will lose a couple of days work, but that is ok because family will always come first. Just not looking forward to the 5 hour drive each way 🙁
This weekend take notice of the nature and scenery around you and see if you can capture a photo of it, even if it is on your phone. Take note of how it makes you feel, could it be something as simple as this that fills your well too?
Wishing you all a lovely weekend, I hope you get some downtime in! 🙂 xxx